Drowning Not Waving Goodbye
2009-06-28 09:05:33 UTC
Like when I grab the weinerdog's back legs
and wheelbarrow her around the house
Dachshunds are the largest known human parasite.and wheelbarrow her around the house
They radiate vast amounts of malicious animal
magnetism. Fortunately the field is dampened by
linoleum floors.
They have been known to consume an entire roast
moose at one sitting. With a high fiber diet,
and when their abdominal lumps as been massaged
down, they have been known to drop scumbers longer
than their body length excepting tail.
When in the presence of cute little kittens
being shown affection by their owners, dachshunds
have been observed to turn bright green. They
later tear sheets off beds and puddle on them.
Everybody has plans - until they get hit
-- Mike Tyson
Master of Puppetry
Mr. Irritainment - 419 mangler
"Evans you crosspost trolling spambat" Matthew Legare 1995
irritainers at g mail.com